How to create BAR chart in Excel

Bar chart represent the categorical data in bars or columns. It can be plotted horizontally and vertically. It can be used to compare values visually when there is few category.

First got to Insert tab in excel then insert bar chart from option as shown below

How to insert bar chart
Insert Bar chart

a blank or chart with data will be inserted then right click on that chart and click on select data as shown below

how to select data on bar chart
Select data in Bar chart

Then click on add data and write chart name in series name column.It will be display on top then select range of values that we want to plot.If we want to plot for book value we have to write book value in series name and corresponding row for data and the axis label range.

Add series name and values and axis values in Bar chart
Add series name and values and axis values in Bar chart

then a chart will be plotted similarly we can plot bar and format accordingly as per requirement as shown below.

visualize data using bar chart in excel
Different Types of Bar Chart

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