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Extract text From PDF using OCR Power automate

To extract text from a PDF using Power Automate, you can use the “Microsoft Power Automate PDF Connector” along with the “Convert PDF to Text” action for normal pdf.But for scanned pdf you have to make flow in cloud flow here’s a simple guide to achieve this: This approach allows you to automate the extraction…

Transpose using Power Automate

To transpose data in Excel, we follow these steps: This will transpose the selected data into the new location. Similarly In Power Automate Desktop go to actions 1.Launch Excel 2. Copy cell from Excel worksheet 3. Launch Excel where you want to paste transpose date. 4.Send Keys in Send keys connector text to send enter…

Power Automate Send Keys

To send keys in Power Automate, you can use the Send keys from mouse and keyboard. First, add the “Send keys” connector to your flow. Then, select the “Send a keypress” action and configure it to specify the key you want to send. You can choose from a variety of keys,

How to create and copy multiple folders

By using notepad we can create multiple folders . Click on save file it will create folder in same directory Copy Selected folder from one folder to another

Data Analysis using Pandas

Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to uncover useful information and support decision-making. It involves various techniques and tools that help dissect complex data sets and extract meaningful insights. Data analysis can be performed through different approaches such as descriptive analysis, exploratory analysis, inferential analysis, and predictive analysis. One…

Extract data from Website using Selenium

Extracting data from website is termed as web scrapping.we can use selenium and python for web scrapping. 1.First we have to import all required modules from selenium as written below 2. Download chrome webdriver or write code as given below anew chrome window will open. 3.Mention the url you want to scrape 4.Declare list in…

GPS App using Kivy Python

By using kivy and plyer GPS an app to fetch current location and store in firebase database can be made using below code

VLOOKUP in pandas

In excel we use vlookup to seach data vertically from another sheet.If we have two sheets Lets say sheet1 & sheet 2 and we have to search for data that is not available in sheet2 but Available in sheet1 then we can use VLOOKUP

Selecting Row & Columns in Data Frame Pandas

1.First we create a dataframe as shown below which has 3 columns and 3 rows. 2.Shape of data frame can be checked by typing df.shape as shown below 3.For selecting name and age column only 4. For selecting rows only by name and age 6.Select rows and columns by index using iloc 7. Select rows…


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